Daily Rates

9 Holes
Walking - $15
With Cart – $22

18 Holes
Walking - $22
With Cart - $36

*Cart rates priced per player

Senior Rates

9 Holes
Walking - $10
With Cart – $17

18 Holes
Walking - $15
With Cart - $29

Senior Early Birds

Before noon enjoy 9 holes with a cart for $15 or 18 holes with a cart for $25!

Twilight Golf

Twilight starts at 5:00 and goes until sunset. All you can golf, with a cart - $25. When leagues are playing, Twilight will start after all leagues have cleared the tee-box.

Rider - $7

Please call the pro shop at 989-781-1248 to schedule your round.


Course Closes at sunset. Exact time is posted in the clubhouse each day.

Spring Weather Notice: During the Spring, please note that we will most likely not open if the high for the day is below 45 degrees. We will also have to wait for frost to melt on cooler mornings.

Become an Annual Pass Holder*

Annual Pass rates at Valley View are an incredible deal, making it the best value for golfing throughout the summer.

Several options are available based on your needs. Call or stop by the clubhouse to review a full list of pass options.

*Annual Passes are at capacity. If you are interested, send us a message and you can be added to the waitlist. Thank you!


Schedule An Outing

Offering a great course, friendly staff, negotiable rates, and both an outdoor and indoor clubhouse, Valley View is an ideal place to host any size outing. From small bachelor parties to large fundraising events, the staff can manage your entire event.

Management will work with you to plan your event with choices ranging from simple course rental to extras such as contests, unique beverage and food options, entertainment, and more. Examples include a Bloody Mary bar, steak dinners, margaritas, bands, and more!

Management can offer a custom quote based on your particular needs. 
